The M0815X laser rangefinder module is a military pulse laser rangefinder designed for application scenarios such as aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, tanks, and aerial guns. The 15km Laser Range Finder Module has small size, light weight, low power consumption, stable performance, long measurement distance, and long service life, Human eye safety and other advantages, JIOPTICS® is an important technical equipment to improve product aiming accuracy. Welcome to buy 15km Range Finder Module from us.
Ranging range: visibility is not less than 10km under general viewing conditions, diffuse reflectance is 0.3 for vehicles (2.3 mX2.3 m target), ranging distance ≥ 8000m; Visibility is not less than 20km under general viewing conditions, for vehicles (2.3 mX2.3 m target),0.3 diffuse r......
The miniature laser rangefinder module is a military pulse laser rangefinder designed for application scenarios such as aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, tanks, and aerial guns. It has small size, light weight, low power consumption, stable performance, long measurement distance, and long service life, Human eye safety and other advantages, JIOPTICS® is an important technical equipment to improve product aiming accuracy. Welcome to buy 8km Laser Range Finder Module from us.
Ranging range: visibility is not less than 5km under general viewing conditions, diffuse reflectance is 0.3 for vehicles (2.3 mX2.3 m target), ranging distance ≥ 4000m; Visibility is not less than 10km under general viewing conditions, for vehicles (2.3 mX2.3 m target),0.3 diffuse reflectance target, rangi......
The LRF module has a single measurement mode only one measurement, continuous measurement mode, according to the selected sampling frequency return continuous results. Welcome to buy 4km Laser Range Finder Module from us.
The measurement range is up to 3800M(Forest)
The sampling frequency is 1Hz
Measuring accuracy (0.3m)
Communication interface: TTL/RS232/485 (BautRate=600-19200)
All instructions are in hexadecimal format
The LRF module has a single measurement mode only one measurement, continuous measurement mode, according to the selected sampling frequency return continuous results.
The measurement range is up to 3200M(Forest)
The sampling frequency is 1Hz
Measuring accuracy (0.3m)
Communication interface: TTL/RS232/485 (BautRate=600-19200)
All instructions are in hexadecimal format
JIOPTICS® Long Range laser ranging module provides reliable range feedback and TTL/RS232/485 serial output. Suitable for custom product integration, especially for UAV pod, thermal imaging, night vision, digital scope and other product. Welcome to buy 3km Laser Range Finder Module from us.
The LRF module has a single measurement mode only one measurement, continuous measurement mode, according to the selected sampling frequency return continuous results.
The measurement range is up to 1800M(Forest)
The sampling frequency is 1Hz
Measuring accuracy (0.5m)
TTL Serial communication UART (BautRate=600-19200)
All instructions are in hexadecimal format
JIOPTICS® Mini laser ranging module provides reliable range feedback and TTL serial output. Suitable for custom product integration, especially for thermal imaging, night vision, EVA, digital scope and other product integration. Welcome to buy 2km Laser Range Finder Module from us.
The LRF module has a single measurement mode only one measurement, continuous measurement mode, according to the selected sampling frequency return continuous results.
The measurement range is up to 1200M
The sampling frequency is 1Hz
Measuring accuracy (0.5m)
TTL Serial communication UART (BautRate=9600)
All instructions are in hexadecimal format
JIOPTICS® Mini laser ranging module provides reliable range feedback and TTL serial output. Suitable for custom product integration, especially for thermal imaging, night vision, EVA, digital scope and other product integration.Welcome to buy 1km Laser Range Finder Module from us.